Punk Rock Business
In a complex world, businesses need more than ever to keep things simple if they are to succeed. I wrote "Punk Rock People Management" as a disruptive innovation in the field of people management and HR to illustrate why companies need to keep things simple if they want to do clever things. In this masterclass, you get to apply "Punk Rock Business principles" to your own business for greater effectiveness and efficiency. I taught Strategic HR at MBA level for many years and did 15 years "hard labour" at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) on their Council Board and leading their branch and "Punk Rock HR" was informed by these experiences. Just some of the things we discuss include:
- Simplicity - The "Minus 1" approach to business and organisation development. In musical speak Lou Reed pointed out that any more than two chords is jazz!
- Brevity - For example, making communications more persuasive by making them shorter and more potent. The average punk song is less than 3 minutes long. How can you use that as a spur to better communication?
- Authenticity - A hallmark of great leadership is purity of communication and a lack of a gap between what is said and what is done.
- As well as the Punk Rock Principles, we are often asked to give a rapid digest to the main elements of Punk Rock HR: HR Strategy and Practice; Attracting and Engaging Talent; Bringing people on board that want to bring their heads, hearts and souls to work; Cutting the crap from Motivational theory and practice; Getting assessment and appraisal right; Disruptive innovation unplugged; Dealing with conflict and internal strife etc.
There's no need to pogo or apply safety pins to your pin stripe suits to attend a Punk Rock Business masterclass. Just a willingness to open your mind to better ways of doing business and people management.