Rockstar Studio Experience
0: Keynotes and Masterclasses 1: Online offerings 2: Musical Inspiration 3: Our Books 4: Coaching and Mentoring 5: Creativity and Innovation 6: Client testimonials 7: Press, Media 8: Interviews with Music Legends 9: Our work in Education 10: Our interview with Sir Richard Branson 11: The real Spinal Tap tour
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Rockstar Studio Experiences

Together with groups of professional session musicians, we offer exclusive studio experiences where you will learn the strategies and tools of improvisation, with direct relevance for your business life as well as having a whole lotta fun. Our sessions culminate in the writing of songs. We then record your work in a studio of your choosing, all the way up to Abbey Road or Sarm Studios, where Queen, Led Zeppelin, Band Aid and Madonna cut some of their greatest hits. Of course, we can add real rockstars to the mix if you wish to combine your experience with the use of music giants. We can also wrap the whole thing into a business summit meeting as a great way to break barriers and have an unforgettable experience for your team.

Here some examples that show just what can be done in one day. The first two below are a variation on the work of Bill Nelson, leader of the pop art band Be-Bop Deluxe and Red Noise, produced by a group of corporate managers we brought together around a shared vision and love for this artists' work. We employed Ozzy Osbourne's guitar player as our producer for the session.

Studio Rockstar Experience

Studio Rockstar Experience

Two further examples come firstly from "Rock In The City", a group of professionals from the City, including Dr Andrew Sentance, Chief Economic Advisor for PwC and a Director at Fujitsu, who wrote and recorded a suite of songs about macroeconomics! The other from a Housing Association who recorded some songs about regenerating a deprived area, which collapsed the hierarchy in the organisation and is still talked about years later in terms of co-operation and collaboration. Check "The Credit Crunch Blues" out.

Studio Rockstar Experience

Studio Rockstar Experience

Finally two pieces from our work in the studio with Sky Media, produced using a combination of electronica and real instruments, with production from members of "Kissing The Pink" and support from professional songwriters.

Studio Rockstar Experience

Studio Rockstar Experience


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